[Fan TRPG] PRINCESS TUTU- Chapter of Amnesia: Answers of Character Cards

Answers for character cards are not absolute. 

As long as the players' theories are persuasive and touch on key points, their answers are valid. 




  • Clara- from the ballet Nutcracker

     On Christmas Eve, Godfather Drosselmeyer gave Clara and Fritz a Nutcracker doll. However, Fritz broke the Nutcracker while playing with it. In the end, it was repaired thanks to Godfather's craftsmanship.
(In Episode 2, " Pieces of the Heart," it is revealed that it was Drosselmeyer who gave Duck a pendant to transform into a human girl and Princess Tutu.)

     At midnight, Clara was suddenly caught up in a battle between the Nutcracker and the Mouse King. The Nutcracker was fighting wounded, and when he was about to lose to the Mouse King, Clara threw her slipper with all her might, giving the Nutcracker a chance to strike and defeat the Mouse King.
(In Episode 26, "Finale," The crow-turned townsfolk were moved by Duck's dance, which allowed the Prince to defeat Monster Raven.)

     The Nutcracker transformed into a handsome prince. To thank Clara for her help, he invited her to his Candy Kingdom for a visit. Clara even danced a pas de deux with the Nutcracker Prince.
(The Candy Kingdom was Gold Crown Town, where Duck transformed into a human girl and danced with the Prince in Episodes 5, 13, and 14.)

  In the end, Clara woke up and realized that it was all just a beautiful dream.
(In Episode 25, "The Dying Swan," Duck transformed back into a duck and helped the Prince return to the story in the last episode "Finale.")

     You saved the Nutcracker Prince and became the lead ballerina. But, are you content with it being just a beautiful dream?

  •  Odette the White Swan- from the ballet Swan Lake

     Odette was cursed by the evil sorcerer Rothbart and turned into a white swan. She could only regain her human form at night.
(Duck must rely on magic to transform into Princess Tutu.)

     To break the curse, someone must truly love her and remain devoted until death.
(In Episode 25, "The Dying Swan," Fakir promised to stay by Duck's side even if she would turn back into a duck.)

     However, the sorcerer Rothbart and his daughter, the Black Swan Odile, use deceit to impersonate Odette and trick Prince Siegfried into making a vow of true love. Odette lost hope and danced the "Dying Swan"...
(In Episode 25, "The Dying Swan," Duck was tempted by Drosselmeyer and stepped into the Despair Lake.)

     Note that in the ballet, the White Swan and the Black Swan are often played by the same ballerina.

     Are you sure you are truly the White Swan?

  • Brünnhilde- from the Opera The Ring of the Nibelung

  The Valkyrie Brünnhilde disobeyed the command of the god Wotan and followed his true wish, which was to let Siegmund achieve victory. However, Siegmund was dead in the duel. Brünnhilde protected and sent away Sieglinde and her unborn child (Siegfried), as that child would one day become the hero who protects humanity.
(In Episode 2, "Pieces of the Heart," Duck transformed into Princess Tutu, collected the shards of the Prince's heart, and drove the story forward, so that the Prince might one day be restored to his true form.)

  Because Brünnhilde disobeyed Wotan's command, Wotan put her into a deep sleep on a rocky outcrop surrounded by magical flames. Only a fearless hero who could break Wotan's stick would be able to pass through the flames.
(In Episode 25, "The Dying Swan,"Fakir bravely confronted Drosselmeyer and rushed into the Despair Lake to save Duck.)

  Brünnhilde recognized that the hero who awakened her with a kiss was the destined hero Siegfried. The two became lovers, and Brünnhilde kept the ring for Siegfried, setting him on his heroic journey.
(The transformation necklace symbolizes the ring. In Episode 13, "Swan Lake," Princess Tutu danced the dance of love and received the Prince's response.)

  However, Brünnhilde was later attacked by lost to a mysterious knight as well as the theft of the ring; and she was offered as a wife to King Gunther. She discovered that the knight was actually Siegfried himself, who had forgotten her.
(Episodes 16-24 depicted that the Prince, tainted by Monster Raven's blood, had forgotten his feelings toward Princess Tutu. In Episode 25, "The Dying Swan," the last shard of the Prince's heart was Princess Tutu's transformation necklace, which must be returned to him.)

  In her anger, Brünnhilde told Hagen, the dwarf who served King Gunther, that Siegfried was not invulnerable and had a fatal weakness on his back. Consequently, Siegfried fell, which ruined Wotan's plan for creating a human hero.
(Episodes 13-15 depicted how Princess Tutu, unaware that the returned heart shard of love had been tainted by Monster Raven's blood, inadvertently caused the Prince to fall.)

In the end, Brünnhilde rode her horse and leapt into the funeral pyre of Siegfried, following him in death.
(Princess Tutu was destined to disappear; in Episode 25, "The Dying Swan," Duck felt guilty for being unable to save the Prince and Rue. Under the temptation of Drosselmeyer, she fell into the Lake of Despair.)

Don't forget. In mythology, the Valkyries are depicted not only as swan maidens but also like the ravens Huginn and Muninn, serve the commands of Odin (Wotan).
(Princess Tutu was a character created by Drosselmeyer. She was depicted as a white swan, with clear representations of this image in the introductory story of Episode 13 "Swan Lake," as well as in Episodes 15 "Coppelia," 22 " Crown of Stone," and 24 "The Prince and the Raven.")

  Can you see through the truth and guide the hero Siegfried on the path to saving humanity at Twilight of the Gods?


  • Marie (7 years old)- from the story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

  On Christmas Eve, seven-year-old Marie heard "The Story of the Hard Nut" from her godfather Drosselmeyer. Encouraged by her godfather, she endeavored to save the Nutcracker Prince and restored him to his original form. The Nutcracker was actually Drosselmeyer's nephew, whose last name was also "Drosselmeyer."
(In Episode 24, "The Prince and the Raven," Monster Raven brainwashed Rue, convincing her that nobody loved her except it and the Prince.)

     Despite summoning the courage each night to stand against the Mouse King and help the Nutcracker defeat him, her conservative parents scolded her for daydreaming and fantasizing. In the end, even her godfather inexplicably criticized her for being a mere dreamer.
(In Episodes 18 " Wandering Knight," and 23 "Marionettes," Monster Raven harshly criticized Kraehe for being useless and troublesome.)

     After enduring her family's lack of faith, she cried out: "Ah! Dear Drosselmeyer! If you truly existed, I would not treat you as Princess Pirlipat, disdainful of you just because you were no longer a handsome youth!"
(In Episode 24, "The Prince and the Raven," Rue declared her unwavering love toward the ravenized Prince.)

     Her true love's cry successfully broke the spell on the Nutcracker. The following year, the Nutcracker married her, and they lived happily ever after.
(In Episode 26 "Finale," Rue and the Prince lived happily ever after.)

  • Odile the Black Swan- from the ballet Swan Lake

     Odile was the daughter of the evil sorcerer Rothbart.
(In Episode 9 "Black Shoes," Rue recalled that she was the daughter of Monster Raven.)

     She impersonated the White Swan Odette and successfully tricked the Prince Siegfried into declaring his intention to marry her and love her forever, breaking the Prince's vow to the White Swan.
(In Episodes 11 "La Sylphide," and 13 "Swan Lake," she kidnapped the Prince and tempted the heart shard of love to choose her.)

     Rothbart could transform into an owl monster; while Odile took the form of the Black Swan.
(In Episode 9 "Black Shoes," Rue realized that she was Princess Kraehe, the daughter of Monster Raven.)

     Note that in the ballet, the White Swan and the Black Swan are often portrayed by the same ballerina.

     Are you sure you are truly Odile the Black Swan? Do you want to see the Prince and the White Swan both meet their tragic end?

  • Gutrune- from the opera The Ring of the Nibelung

  Gutrune was the sister of King Gunther. They followed the deceitful plan of their half-brother, the dwarf Hagen, who tricked Siegfried into drinking a potion of forgetfulness, causing him to forget his engagement to Brünnhilde. This manipulation allowed Siegfried to marry Gutrune, while Brünnhilde became the wife of King Gunther.
(In Episode 15 "Coppelia," the truth was revealed: the Prince's heart shard of love was tainted by Monster Raven's blood.)

     Although Gutrune successfully married Siegfried, she did not realize that Hagen's true scheme was to kill Siegfried and seized the ring.
(In Episode 23 "Marionettes," the ending revealed that Rue was actually the human daughter kidnapped by Monster Raven, used to deceive the Prince.)

     However, you are not Kriemhild from The Song of the Nibelungs and cannot avenge the dead Siegfried...

*Prince Siegfried*

  • The Little Nutcracker – from the story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

     This young man, naturally inclined to be affectionate towards girls and cracking nuts for them, was known as the "Dear Little Nutcracker."
(In Episode 1 "The Duck and the Prince," the prince was widely admired by girls.)

     He was the nephew of Drosselmeyer, with his father being a toymaker.
(Episode 2 "Pieces of the Heart," revealed that Mytho was the Prince created by Drosselmeyer)

     He successfully cracked the hardest nut, breaking the spell on a princess. However, just as he was about to complete his mission, he was tripped by the Mouse Queen—he fell under a spell that turned him into an ugly Nutcracker!
(In Episode 2 "Pieces of the Heart," the Prince shattered his heart to seal away Monster Raven who escaped from the story.)

     Although cursed and driven away by the princess and the king, he would one day become a prince and ruler.
(Mytho would eventually recover all the shards of the heart and restore his princely form.)

     Additionally, he must personally kill his enemy, the Mouse King, and be fully accepted by a maiden who embraced his flaws to break the spell.
(In Episode 24 "The Prince and the Raven," Rue's declaration of unwavering love and the Prince's fate to confront Monster Raven again were revealed.)

     With a military sword gifted by Marie's brother Fritz, the Nutcracker successfully killed the Mouse King.
(In Episode 26 "Finale," combined powers of Duck and Fakir help the Prince defeat Monster Raven and break free from Drosselmeyer's control.)

     Nutcracker invited Marie to play in the Doll Kingdom. At the story's conclusion, he married Marie, who accepted all his imperfections.
(In Episode 26 "Finale," the Prince took Rue back to his kingdom, where they lived happily ever after.)

  • Prince Siegfried – from the ballet Swan Lake

     Prince Siegfried promised to declare at the ball that he would marry the White Swan Odette and love her alone forever.
(In Episode 25 "The Dying Swan," the Prince Siegfried vowed to marry Rue.)

     However, he was deceived by the sorcerer Rothbart's daughter, Odile, and danced with her at the ball. Once he vowed to marry her and love her alone, Rothbart and Odile revealed their true identities.
(In Episode 13 "Swan Lake," his heart shard of love danced with Princess Kraehe; Episode 24 "The Prince and the Raven" uncovered Monster Raven's plot to devour the Prince's heart.)

     Will the Prince ultimately be able to overcome Rothbart and restore a happy ending with the White Swan Odette?

  • The Dragon Slayer Siegfried – from the opera The Ring of the Nibelung

     Siegfried, from birth, has never known fear. He killed the dragon Fafner and took the treasure and the ring. However, he was unaware that the treasure and the ring had been cursed by the dwarf Alberich.
(In Episode 13 "Swan Lake," the Prince ultimately recovered the heart shard of love, yet he was unaware that it had been tainted by Monster Raven's blood.)

     Fearlessly, he shattered Wotan's stick and entered the magical flames surrounding the sleeping Brünnhilde. When he first saw the armored Brünnhilde, he experienced fear for the first time in his life, as she was the first woman he has encountered. Upon overcoming this fear, he realized that this strange emotion was merely his own passion.
(In Episode 6, "The Dreaming Aurora," the Prince feared Princess Tutu once he regained his heart shard of fear.)

     Siegfried, as foretold by prophecy, awakened the Valkyrie Brünnhilde with a kiss, and they confessed their love for each other.
(In Episode 13 "Swan Lake," Princess Tutu's final dance of love awakened the Prince; the Prince and Tutu then danced pas de deux.)

     Siegfried entrusted the ring to Brünnhilde for safekeeping and continued his heroic journey.
(In Episode 14 "The Raven," the Prince expressed his determination to recover all the shards of his heart and to change the course of the story.)

     However, Siegfried was deceived by King Gunther and drank a potion of forgetfulness. He forgot his engagement to Brünnhilde and married Gutrune. He even helped King Gunther seize Brünnhilde, allowing Gunther to marry her. The ring also returned to Siegfried's possession.
(In Episode 15 "Coppelia," the truth was revealed: the Prince's heart shard of love was tainted by Monster Raven's blood.)

     All these schemes were the work of Gunther's half-brother Hagen. Not only was he the son of the dwarf Alberich, but he also inherited his father's malice and planned to steal the ring and rule the world.
(In Episode 24 "The Prince and the Raven," the plot of Monster Raven to devour the Prince's heart was uncovered.)

     Can you avoid the tragedy of being assassinated by Hagen and losing your beloved, and become the hero who saves humanity?


